Greater Toronto Accessibility

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About GTA

Our Story

Our Story starts in October of 2011 when my father suffered a spinal cord injury. Within an instance, his whole world was turned upside down. Given the immediate diagnosis, the doctors were saying there was a chance my father wouldn’t be able to walk again and he would be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

As a family, we knew it was time to start researching accommodations that would make our home accessible, safe, and barrier free.

When researching these accommodations, I noticed one commonality, everything looked institutional and not always functional.

With already having an interest in renovations, I wanted to put an end to unpractical solutions and provide my father with a home that didn’t look like a hospital, something he could feel excited about and not ashamed of.

I went on a mission to start a company that strives on meshing accessibility, with function and style and dispel the myth that accessibility can only look institutional. My dad set the bar high, and we continue as the years go by to keep on moving the bar up as innovations and technology provide even larger opportunities to provide beautiful accessible solutions that you can be proud of.

Thankfully, my dad persevered and through rehab and dedication he was able to fully recover and walk again. My dad was thankful for the changes we made to the home to accommodate him, and loved the fact that everything we did was practical and aesthetically pleasing so we didn’t have to reverse any of the changes made.

Entering year 10 in business now, our work speaks for itself and we’ve become one of the leaders in accessibility renovations in the GTA.